Conference Tracks

Please note that abstract submissions close on 02 February 2024

Track 1 – Basic/Clinical Sciences, and Diagnostics

This track focuses on improving and expanding the understanding of TB basic and clinical sciences. This includes the mechanisms of TB infection and disease in humans and animals, host-pathogen interaction, resistance mechanisms, immunology, genetics, and biomarkers. The track also focuses on advances and innovations in TB diagnostics for drug-sensitive and drug-resistant TB and includes examples of cost-effective strategies and best practices for maximum benefit for different population groups (children, persons living with HIV, and other comorbidities).

Track 2 – Prevention, TB vaccines, and Treatment Strategies

This track focuses on the latest advances and innovations in TB prevention and treatment including discovery, development, and implementation of new therapeutic and vaccination strategies. It also focuses on advances in adopting treatment strategies with emerging novel short-course regimens for drug-sensitive TB, drug-resistant TB, and TB infection for children and adults. The track also includes innovations/best practices in implementing airborne TB infection control and prevention in high-risk settings, as well as active case finding.

Track 3 – Epidemiology, Health Systems, and Implementation

This track focuses on TB epidemiology, and the delivery of TB services within the health system, the community, and in other settings. The track has an emphasis on providing integrated care for people with comorbidities including but not limited to HIV, mental health, and other non-communicable diseases. It also looks at cost-effective strategies and interventions including digital health solutions to improve the quality of TB services across the TB care cascade. The track also includes systems strengthening, health promotion, environmental health, and monitoring and evaluation for impact.

Track 4 - Human rights, Civil Society, Advocacy and TB Policies

This track focuses on highlighting human rights barriers, TB-related stigma, harassment, and discrimination, and the impact on TB service delivery and outcomes of interventions, particularly amongst key populations. The track also aims to enhance the voice and work of Civil Society and other stakeholders in advocating for TB policies, addressing the social determinants of TB, and implementing innovative strategies across the cascade of care. It includes evidence-informed advocacy for policy formulation and review of human rights and advocacy programmes.